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ECGRA Renaissance Block Grants Awarded in North East Borough, Six County Neighborhoods

Posted on May 25th, 2018 at 12:00 PM
ECGRA Renaissance Block Grants Awarded in North East Borough, Six County Neighborhoods

Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority (ECGRA) awarded the first round of funding in the Erie County Renaissance Block Program, an anti-blight, neighborhood cooperation.  The new Community and Neighborhood investment program was designed to help improve Erie County neighborhoods through a block-by-block strategy that targets aging or neglected areas where neighbors are orgainized and willing to work together to combat blight.  The first award was made in the area surrounding Smedley Street in North East Borough this morning.

The groups awarded in the City of Erie are all located in regions identified as key targets for investment in Erie Refocused.  Reducing blight as an economic development strategy has been identified as a priority in Emerge 2040, Erie Refocused, the Corry Neighborhood Inititative, A Citizen's Action Guide to Blight, and the Erie County Housing Plan (a component of Erie County's comprehensive plan).

While it did not award every applicant, ECGRA did not reject any of the applicants in this first round and is working hand-in-hand with the groups to take the necessary steps toward funding approval.  The second round of applications will be in October.

The Erie County Renaissance Block Program awards up to $150,000 per application or up to $5,000 awarded per property.  It is a matching program that helps finance eligible exterior repairs, permanent improvements, and streetscapes.  Funds can also be used to improve publicly owned property that is targeted to improve the block's visual appearance.

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