January 12, 2017: ECGRA Grant Money Works for Preservation Erie
Posted on January 13th, 2017 at 9:05 AM
Collaborators invest local share gaming revenue to promote and protect history
You don’t have to look far to see local share gaming funds at work to connect Erie’s past, present, and future.
In 2013, the Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority awarded Preservation Erie $25,000 for the Erie County Historic Resource Inventory. Wise Preservation Planning documented buildings that are 75 years or older. The inventory, at www.Eriebuildings.info, “can be used to make decisions on investment and infrastructure improvements, reuse strategies, beautification, re-branding, community education, and storytelling,” says Melinda Meyer, president of Preservation Erie.
“Now that we know what our stock of historic buildings looks like countywide, municipalities, neighborhood associations, and other groups can plan and revitalize,” Meyer says.

Using information from the inventory, the Lawrence Park Historical Society and Lawrence Park Township are applying to the National Register of Historic Places for a “good portion” of the township to be listed on the register. The Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission and ECGRA are supporting the application.

The Erie Downtown Partnership, the Sisters of St. Joseph Neighborhood Network, and the city of Corry have also used the inventory for planning, as has Erie County, which, in partnership with Preservation Erie, is preparing a countywide Cultural Heritage Plan. The plan is a key recommendation of Emerge 2040 and will set forth goals, policies, and strategies focused on preserving, maintaining, and enjoying cultural and historic resources in every Erie County community.
Erie County boasts more than 20 museums and historical societies—evidence of its rich history. Local share gaming funds support the organizations and entities preserving and promoting our heritage and protecting it as we transform for future growth and generations.
To learn more about the Cultural Heritage Plan, visit www.preservationerie.org.

"Pennsylvania State government is currently making decisions about the future of the gaming industry without advocacy or input from groups like ours and counties like ours. ECGRA will not stand for Erie County to lose these important economic development dollars. Join our efforts as we work with the Erie County delegation, staffers in Harrisburg, and the Assembly’s leadership to protect local share gaming revenue."
-Perry Wood, ECGRA Executive Director

If you represent a nonprofit, local government, or economic development project that has received funding or if you are a resident who has attended a special event, enjoyed our Lead Assets, or has benefited from gaming revenue in some way, please message your legislators today. Contact information and template letters can be found at www.ECGRA.org/calltoaction.
dianek@ECGRA.org | 814-897-2690 | 5340 Fryling Road, Suite 201, Erie, Pa.